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Return to Stoptober!

It’s difficult to believe that a year has gone by since I was writing about Stoptober. The summer has gone and half term is getting closer. The shops are full of ghosts and pumpkins and soon the sky will be full of fireworks.
Are you attempting to do Stoptober again and does your will power fade after the first few days? The idea of Stoptober is a good one. There is plenty of support and maybe several of your friends are doing it as well.
We are now half way through the month. Have you gone 15 days without smoking or have you just managed to cut down a little. Perhaps you gave up on the idea all together about the 5th of the month. Perhaps last time you managed the whole of October but went back to smoking on the 1st November.
Here at my Leatherhead hypnotherapy clinic the aim is to stop smoking forever. In the hypnotherapy session I use a variety of techniques including hypnotherapy suggestions and an aversion script. I also use Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) techniques to help you break the habit and the link between smoking and other behaviours.

So many times we use a cigarette not only to relax and for stress relief but as a motivator. For example do you ever tell yourself you will do a job you have been putting off and then reward yourself with a cigarette or you will have that cigarette then do the job you have been trying to ignore?
In hypnotherapy we can release those links and make it easier to stop smoking forever. If therefore you are struggling with Stoptober or you have given up before and then started smoking again perhaps now is the time to stop forever.
Please get in touch to find out how hypnotherapy can help you quit smoking forever.