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‘Why do I find it so hard to stop smoking?’
Is the question asked by so many people who come to my Surrey Hypnotherapy clinic in Leatherhead.
The answer to this lies in what happens when we start to smoke. The first cigarettes we have are usually quite horrible, often they make us feel sick or even dizzy and we struggle to finish them. The majority of people start smoking to impress their friends usually aged about fourteen or fifteen when we are at school.
Therefore we persist until we have learned how to smoke. Once we have learned how to do something our subconscious mind turns it into an automatic function something we do without thinking about it. Imagine how complicated our lives would be if we had to remember how to do everything, think back to when you learned to drive and how difficult it all seemed until one day it became automatic and the only time we ever think about driving is if we change our car.
This is what happens when we smoke it becomes automatic, these programmes are then saved in our subconscious memory bank and cannot be removed. When I treat a client here at my Leatherhead Hypnotherapy Clinic for stop smoking I explain that we can leave these programmes in our memory bank and they will stay there unless we deliberately recall them. When we are adults and we have children or grandchildren it is amazing how we remember those nursery rhymes and games from our own childhood that have been stored away.
A recent client from Dorking told me she gave up smoking the day she discovered she was pregnant with her son at his twenty first birthday party she told him off for smoking, and he handed her the packet and dared her to smoke one. Sadly she did and within two weeks she was smoking up to twenty cigarettes a day.
Anyone who gives up however they choose to do it whether with hypnotherapy or just plain willpower, when faced with the urge to have a just one cigarette must always remember they won’t be choosing to have just one cigarette, but they will be choosing to become a smoker again.
Talk to me today about how you can become a non smoker.